Chris Pople Consulting

CASE STUDY: Cromwell Tools

8 August 2023

Group Pricing Manager – Cromwell Tools, Leicester, UK (2016-2019)

  • Implemented a new Pricing Strategy engaging Sales, Operations, Finance and Marketing together with all UK branches and Cromwell Direct.
  • Developed a new discount structure delivering £10m incremental revenue and profit
  • Developed a new net price structure, delivering 200bps margin improvement in fixed price margin
  • Delivered a change management programme, taking c500 people through a pricing journey of change to improve business sales & margin.
  • Delivered and implemented the Cromwell Deal Matrix – significantly improved contract management & compliance.
  • Cromwell Leadership Group member, leading the business through strategic change and implementation.
  • Developed pricing integrity in the business, growing the Pricing function and delivering high quality data-driven decision making.

Chris Pople Consulting was established to support businesses leverage the benefits of pricing to maximise profits.

With a clear ‘simplify, execute, and grow’ philosophy, this is about delivering actionable insight and solutions for business to yield long-term sustainable growth.

Chris is a Certified Pricing Professional and Member of the Professional Pricing Society.

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